Logo for The Spa of Avon
Who We Are

About Us

Three candles aligned in a row next to meditation stones in a yoga studio.

The Spa of Avon – A simple, to-the-point name that pays homage to the town it serves. It is the town owner (and Ohio native) Rajina Kafilmout wants to take care of, as it has taken care of her for years.

As an experienced massage therapist of over 7 years, Rajina saw that every small part of a spa has an effect on the clients she is serving, so when she opened her doors in 2023, she carefully planned each element to work in harmony with one another.

From the type of massage beds, to the type of massage oil, to the ambiance of the treatment room, all the way to the warm rose water towel that concludes your session, everything has a purpose to maximize the experience for every person who comes through the doors.

The Spa of Avon invites anyone and everyone to make an appointment to feel better in their own body once again.